On Oct. 23rd at 2 pm CET, join Riccardo Badalone, C2RO’s CEO for an exclusive fireside chat for SAP’s Data Retail Series, where we’ll discuss the impact of theft in physical retail, and how C2RO's AI-DRIVEN THEFT DETERRENCE solutions are uniquely eliminating RFID Fraud in Apparel and Fashion retail.
A powerful off-shoot of AI-Driven Theft Deterrence systems are the powerful analytics that can help retailers implement both real-time and long-term measures, while optimizing operations and exploiting the full potential of automation technology such as RFID and Self-Checkout — all without compromising customer privacy.
This isn’t just the future of retail security—it’s happening NOW.
Ready to outsmart theft and safeguard your bottom line? Register for the #DATARetail series and join the live event: https://events.sap.com/dataretail/en/events Watch the presentation On-Demand: https://vods.dm.ux.sap.com/dataretail/vods/c2ro.mp4