Unlike all the canned demos at the show, SAP, C2RO, and Intel delivered a full live deployment showcasing the power of SAP Analytics Cloud, C2RO ENTERA™, and Intel’s Openvino Toolkit. The goal was to collect valuable marketing data to improve future exhibitions and show customers what cutting-edge video analytics AI can really do.
Powered by Intel’s x86 processors and leveraging only low-cost commodity cameras, here’s what came together in just 24 hours leading up to the show floor opening:
SAP Reception Service Real-Time Metrics
o Number of Unique Visitors
o Visitor Queue Analysis including throughput, depth, and wait time
SAP Theater Real-Time Attendance Metrics
o Number of Unique Attendees
o Theater Occupancy
o Attendee Time Spent
SAP Coffee Store Real-Time Service Metrics
o Number of Unique Visitors
o Visitor Queue Analysis including throughput, depth, and wait time
SAP Retail Showcase Zone Real-Time Analysis
o Conversion metrics from reception and other analysis zones
o Entrance metrics and Occupancy,
o Socio-Demographic segmentation,
o Zone Journey Sequences and Time Spent Analysis
o Product Engagement/Interaction Metrics,
o Associate/Visitor Interaction Metrics, and
o full visualization (occupation density and dwell metrics).
All the data is streamed in real-time to the SAP Analytics Cloud and available for showcase by the SAP Team to excited Enterprise customers. Stay tuned for the golden business insights revealed by the data!
Learn more about ENTERA™: ➡️ https://www.c2ro.com/entera Become a Partner: ➡️ https://www.c2ro.com/partners Connect with us Today: ➡️ https://www.c2ro.com/contact-us